
Demo Article

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  • 8 Oct 2018
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By adding digital magazines and instant articles to your (online) communications mix, you will increase the user experience for your audience. It will also increases user loyalty, conversion rates and overall reading times.

Publishing digital magazines offers your readers a wonderful collection of carefully ordered magazine pages. You can guide your readers through the content of the magazine because of its chronological order of pages. The page rhythm ‘asks’ the reader to interact with content and participate in for instance discussions by placing comments and filling out polls. This creates relevant and unique user generated content, which can be used as a subject base in following editions.

Digital magazines are often published periodically. Sometimes they are published every 4 weeks, sometimes every 8 weeks. In every case you have to deal with less frequent moments of contact with your readers. And even though for an online magazine these are ideal intervals, it could be beneficial for your brand to be in touch with your readers more often. WP-Magazines therefore offers the option of publishing instant articles besides your digital magazines. It increases the frequency of being in touch with your readers. Also the content you publish online will be created by an increasing number of people within you organization, and thus decreases the work for your communications team.

All magazines and instant articles are published in a individual kiosk. It provides each visitor a clear overview of every publication ever made. Both for your digital magazines as wel as for your instant articles. They can search through every bit of content or log in as a subscriber to get to your premium content. The kiosk is the starting point for every reader.

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Ingeborg Bechtold